Friday, November 14, 2008

Revised Dates - sorry

After further discussion and research we have decided to alter the 2009 dates slightly. It was decided that to ensure we can secure the countries top artists we need to work in with other art schools in the country. Now that we have altered the dates we can guarantee that we will have some of the countries top artists teaching at the 2009 MSCA, maybe even some internationals - keep posted!
Easter School: 23-26 April 2009
Winter School: 18-21 July 2009
Spring School: 15-18 October 2009

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

MSCA 2009 Dates

We are pleased to announce the dates for the 2009 Murrumbidgee School of Creative Arts Program.
Easter School: April 23-26 2009
Winter School: July 18-21 2009
Spring School: October 15-18 2009
Those familiar with the MSCA will notice that it is now a 4 day program and runs across a weekend. This has been altered to open the program to a wider market; those who found it difficult to attend in the past due to work and other commitments. we have also ensured the program remains within the NSW School Holidays, as requested by our regular participants.
we will be finalising tutors and workshops in the coming weeks and will notify everyone on the mailing list immediately; if we do not have your email address i would suggest you send it to us to ensure you do not miss out on notices.
We hope to see you at the MSCA in 2009.

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